Clips4Sale - Male Fetish Videos By Film 911 - Signs Contract Johnny The Femdom
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Clips4Sale - Male Fetish Videos By Film 911 - Signs Contract Johnny The Femdom
This is a custom script and some changes and additions have been made to the script below in the final product. Dr Smith Gets Johnny to Sign a Binding Contract Dr Smith has merged his business with a global network that delivers robots to customers similar to Mr Latcher worldwide. SCENE A [JOHNNY is wearing button-down shirt and slacks. He enters SMITH’s office.] JOHNNY Excuse me, not sure if this is the right place? My buddy said I should come see about a job. SMITH Come on in, take a seat. [JOHNNY sits.] Yes, we’ve been getting great word-of-mouth referrals. JOHNNY Yeah, he said I had to come check it out, it was too good to pass up. SMITH Great, let me tell you about the job. It’s short-term, two weeks only. I like to start by showing the salary. [SMITH hands JOHNNY a folded piece of paper.] JOHNNY [Opens and reads the dollar amount on the paper, is shocked & excited.] Holy fuck! SMITH I know, right? Before you get too excited, I just need to make sure you’re a good fit for the Company. The job can involve physical labor, so can I just get you to take off your shirt so I can see if you’re in good shape? [Still distracted with excitement, JOHNNY stands up, unbuttons his shirt and takes it off. SMITH evaluates Johnny’s fitness by touching JOHNNY’s muscles, asking him to flex, etc. Throughout the inspection, JOHNNY barely pays attention, hardly believing how lucky he is. For example: That’s the salary for just 2 weeks?... Two weeks – in & out just like that?...And they’d pay me all that money right at the end?... All that money for a construction job?...I promise I can do it, I’m in great shape… Each time JOHNNY says something, SMITH responds, confirming the details: Yes, that’s right…yes, 2 weeks…yes, construction, etc.] SMITH [Finishing the inspection.] Can I get you to take off those slacks so I can check your leg strength? JOHNNY [Not okay with this request.] Ummm…do you really need to?...I’d rather keep these on, is that OK? But, honestly, I promise you I can do the job. My legs are strong. SMITH OK, sure, I believe you. You’re exactly the sort of guy we’re looking for. Grab your seat again. [JOHNNY sits and buttons his shirt back on.] So, the job is yours if you want it. What do you think? JOHNNY Are you serious? Yes, one hundred percent I want it. SMITH Perfect. Give me a minute, I’ll go print the contract. [SMITH starts to get up but remembers something.] Wait, like I said, word-of-mouth has worked really well for us. Do you know anyone who’s in good shape like you? JOHNNY Yeah…my step-brother! Hey, I should tell him about this! We could work together! SMITH Great! Do me a favor and send him a message while I’m in the other room printing this contract. [SMITH leaves.] JOHNNY [Two options: #1 JOHNNY texts while SMITH is away. #2 JOHNNY pulls out his phone to send a video message, cut to what JOHNNY films on phone: Step-Bro, great news, you won’t believe it. You’ve got to come down to the location I’ll text you. There’s this job and the salary is beyond your dreams. I’m signing right now and leaving for 2 weeks. Tell everyone not to worry when they don’t hear from me for a while. And: get your ass down here and get some of this action!] SMITH [Re-enters the office with a contract.] Alright: [pointing out sections of the contract as he speaks] here’s the salary we discussed and the date showing you start today. And several pages of fine print, just the boring stuff. [JOHNNY is ready to sign.] Did you want to talk to a lawyer first? JOHNNY No way, this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me! [JOHNNY grabs a pen and signs the contract.] SMITH [SMITH takes the signed contract, puts it in a clipboard.] Perfect, the Company will be so pleased I’m sending another worker to them. Now, take off your clothes, including your slacks. JOHNNY [As he says the following, JOHNNY unbuttons his shirt, takes it off, stands and takes off his slacks:] No, I told you I’m not comfortable with that, I’d rather keep my slacks on and I promised you I’m in good shape – hey! – what am I doing? Why am I doing this? What are you doing to me? [Now that JOHNNY has signed the contract, he has to stay still & do what he's told. He will follow all instructions when given, but because he’s aware of the situation, he won’t do anything enthusiastically. But, he can only protest verbally.] SMITH I told you that you should talk to a lawyer. You’ve signed a very powerful contract. JOHNNY What the fuck does that mean? How it is controlling me? SMITH The fine print says it all. The enforcement clause is very powerful. You’ve signed yourself to the Company, so you better get used to doing what the Company wants you to do. JOHNNY No way, no one reads that stuff! This is fraud! SMITH [SMITH ignores JOHNNY’s protesting & picks up the clipboard again.] Stand still and shut up while I go through this checklist. The Company will do their own assessment, but I need to record some details and run some tests to get the process started. This will help decide which Department will fit you best in the Company. [SMITH looks over the checklist while JOHNNY stands still, frozen in place. SMITH re-checks JOHNNY’s upper body, making notes about & taking close-up pictures of each muscle group – biceps, pecs, abs, etc. – while making JOHNNY flex to measure how many abs he has, so he can take photos of each flexed muscle / take a close-up video of a pec bounce, etc. SMITH could talk out loud to himself while writing notes on each body part, verbalizing what he’s writing, for example: Yes, I’ll give this muscle tone a score of 9 out of 10… Well-shaped, lean muscular arms…How should I describe these nipples, maybe smooth & light beige brown, and pushed to the edges of his chest by his firm & flat pec muscles?...Innie bellybutton with a striking treasure trail… Piercing eyes, playful eyebrows…Substantial beard if they want to keep it…cute floppy ears like a curious puppy’s…etc. SMITH also does the same with JOHNNY’s legs, making him flex his leg muscles while feeling his body parts, taking pictures, & taking notes.] SMITH [Still talking to himself] Hmm…this last box asks me to fill out an overall assessment about his overall vibe. I never know what to put for this one… [SMITH steps back and looks JOHNNY up and down, trying to come up with how to describe him to the Company.] Hmm…how about I put: [SMITH writes:] “Nerdy boy next door who you just noticed has unexpectedly gotten super-hot since last summer” SMITH OK, time to make notes about the rest of you. I’m going to ask you to take off your briefs. JOHNNY No! There’s no way the contract can me to do that! SMITH I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Look at the fine print here. [SMITH points out a part of the contract on the clipboard for JOHNNY to read.] JOHNNY [Reading the contract] “Employee agrees to wear the official uniform of the Company.” SMITH The Company’s official uniform is no uniform, so take those off. JOHNNY [Reluctantly, but compelled by an invisible, JOHNNY takes off his briefs, then stands still.] SMITH [As before, makes notes about & takes pictures of JOHNNY’s front & back, cock & butt, commenting on the lean & hard shape of JOHNNY’s butt, his dusting of light hair on his butt, making JOHNNY bend & spread his butt cheeks to take a picture of his asshole, making a note that he’s circumcised, cupping JOHNNY’s balls in his hands then rating the size & weight of his balls from 1 to 10, etc.] CENE B [Still naked, JOHNNY follows SMITH into the medical exam room. SMITH instructs JOHNNY to sit up on the exam table.] Time to take some vitals & do some tests. JOHNNY There’s no way this is legal. I have to give consent or something before you can do medical tests on me. SMITH You really should read contracts before you sign them, Johnny. You’ve already agreed to all of this, look here: [SMITH points out a part of the contract on the clipboard.] JOHNNY [Reading] “The employee agrees to regular medical checkups for the Company to assess his physical well-being.” [To SMITH] This is so fucked up! SMITH You should have thought about that before you agreed to it. Especially since the contract’s enforcement clause means you have to comply. JOHNNY [To SMITH, during the medical exam:] If these tests show I’m not healthy, can I be released from my contract? SMITH No way, so no point in trying to fake any of these tests. The Company will assign you to whatever role best suits your physical abilities. And the Company has room for all types of robot slaves…oops, I mean “employees”. But, I guarantee that you’ll be a perfect fit for them. [SMITH proceeds with the medical exam, for example, taking JOHNNY’s pulse, pressure, eye checks with a flashlight, using a needle to take a vial of, reflex test on knees, pinches nipples to test degree of sensitivity from 1 to 10, measures how deep belly button goes, etc. All throughout, SMITH records JOHNNY’s vitals & measurements on the Company’s form on the clipboard. As SMITH writes down some additional measurements:] Alright, we’re almost done. JOHNNY Do I give you the name of my doctor so you can send him the test results? SMITH Ha! These tests are for the Company. The Company will be in charge of your health and feeding you any medication you need. No need to worry, just do what you’re told, because you have to. JOHNNY That can’t be right. Otherwise, they could dope me up and I wouldn’t even know what’s going on. SMITH Do you need me to show you the contract again? Alright, the last thing I need to record before we move on to the next phase of testing is your ability to get an erection. So, get yourself hard. JOHNNY Fuck no! This has gone far enough. SMITH [Silently points to a part of the contract] JOHNNY [Reading] “During his period of contracted employment, the employee agrees to be available at all times to perform any duty required of his role in the Company.” [To SMITH] Even if I had read that, there’s no way I would have thought I’d have to stay naked and get hard when I’m told to! SMITH [Shrugs] The contract is very broad and doesn’t have limits. A lawyer might have told you that if you’d asked. Now get to it! [JOHNNY gets himself to an erection. SMITH measures the length and width of JOHNNY’s erect penis, takes notes, and takes pictures of JOHNNY’s hard cock.] SCENE C [In the living room] SMITH With your vitals recorded, you’ll now perform the tests that will help the Company decide what Department to put you in. [Checking the clipboard again.] Some of the Company’s very wealthy customers in Africa like to have our employees hold poses for them & their guests during dinner parties or garden parties, so we’ll try out some of those poses. JOHNNY What do you mean “Africa”?! You didn’t say anything about the job relocating me out of the country! And I don’t have a passport, so you can’t make me! SMITH You really don’t understand the contract you’ve signed, do you? And you’re not catching on very quickly. Here, read this: [Points to a part of the contract.] JOHNNY [Reading] “The Company agrees to arrange all necessary visas for the employee to maintain employment at any location where the Company has business.” [To himself, upset] Fuck! SMITH The paperwork was ready the minute you signed the contract and you’ll be ready to ship out wherever the Company decides you’ll go. But first: the gladiator pose tests. Hold still while I put this oil on you. [As SMITH rubs baby oil slowly over JOHNNY’s naked body:] This will make you shine like a statue at those garden parties. Guests will come and touch you whenever they want. And you’ll have to respond to them like you’re a real gladiator devoted to their service. [SMITH instructs JOHNNY to hold himself in a gladiator-style pose, takes a picture of JOHNNY holding the pose, then writes a note on the clipboard] SMITH Yes, that looks good, an 8 out of 10. Now shift to the next pose. [JOHNNY shifts into another gladiator pose so SMITH can take another picture and make another note.] Now, let’s see if you can keep holding that pose while guests feel you up. [As they say the following, SMITH rubs his hands over JOHNNY’s chest, biceps, abs, legs, cock, etc. while JOHNNY tries to hold the poses as still as possible:] What is your purpose, gladiator? JOHNNY To fight for my master’s entertainment. SMITH Change position. [JOHNNY shifts to a new gladiator position while SMITH continues to touch JOHNNY’s body] How devoted are you to your master? JOHNNY I will fight to the for my master. SMITH Change position. [JOHNNY shifts to a new gladiator position while SMITH continues to touch JOHNNY’s body] If I purchased you for my house, would you serve me well? JOHNNY Yes, you would be my master and I would fight for your honor and pleasure. [SMITH has JOHNNY cycle through all of the gladiator poses and photos JOHNNY in the various positions, while rating his performance between 1 and 10 and taking notes about how well he can hold the positions.] SMITH Good, on to the next set of tests. Some of the Company’s very wealthy North American customers want pets that can understand English and aren’t difficult to train. So now you will behave like a very obedient . [SMITH runs JOHNNY through a series of tricks while he acts like a human, for example, “sit”, “lay down”, “roll over” “play”. Throughout, SMITH tells JOHNNY that he’s a “good boy” and pats his head. A scene by the front door where JOHNNY is kneeling on the floor but upright with his hands dangling in front of him, the “begging” position. JOHNNY is panting like a waiting for SMITH until SMITH enters through the front door at which point JOHNNY starts “wagging” his butt like a tail, and bounds around SMITH’s legs on his hands & knees, excited to welcome SMITH home. SMITH rates JOHNNY’s performance as a, tells him he’s a “good boy”, and takes notes on the clipboard.] SMITH Some of the Company’s very wealthy customers in East Asia like this new form of feng shui that uses human furniture. [SMITH instructs JOHNNY to hold himself, for example, as an ottoman that SMITH puts his feet up on, a coat rack that SMITH hangs a coat on, a coffee table that SMITH places a book on, a kneeling statue next to the couch with his hands out in front of him to hold a lamp or candle or book or something, etc. JOHNNY continues to do what he’s told without enthusiasm but unable to physically resist, and SMITH photos JOHNNY in the various positions, and takes notes about how well he can hold the positions.] SMITH The Company wants a sperm sample ready for analysis when we ship you out to them, so jerk off and jizz in this. [SMITH hands JOHNNY a paper plate. As JOHNNY jerks himself, SMITH comments on his performance, rating the thickness and redness of his cock, until JOHNNY jizzes on the plate. SMITH takes the plate away to preserve it.] SCENE G [Back in SMITH’s office, JOHNNY still naked.] SMITH Alright, Johnny, I’ve filled out all the intake forms and submitted them to the Company, which it means it’s time for you & I to say goodbye. You’ll be going to your new Department now. JOHNNY Not reading that contract is the stupidest mistake I’ve ever made. Johnny Signs The Contract
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