Cuckolding - Mariah_Leonne - Mariah Leonne 1St Realife Manyvids Multiple Cumshots
2 years ago
Cuckolding - Mariah_Leonne - Mariah Leonne 1St Realife Manyvids Multiple Cumshots
GLORYHORE VOL 1: Gloryholes have long been an intriguing idea to me. The thought of making multiple strangers cum without needing to break the ice or speak a single word is one of the hottest things I can think of. The problem, however, is that it must be spontaneous, it cannot be pre-planned or organized as that would suck all the fun out of it. So, in this series, we set out across the globe looking for random gloryholes where we can also sneak a camera in to catch all our messy action.
In volume 1, while Josh and I were travelling around Europe, we spent a few days in the Netherlands. Arguably one of the most sexually liberal places on earth we get the idea to try and satisfy one of my long term desires – to try a gloryhole! This is the first time either of us has ever set foot in such an establishment, so both of us are understandably nervous which shows in our footage.
In fact, on the first attempt to enter the building, we bottle it and retreat to a bar to grab a local beer – “Dutch courage” as they say. It worked wonders and on second attempt we went straight through with our heads held high. Since nobody is aware of our camera, we had to hide it at this point and what the video doesn’t show, is just how nice, respectable and excited the owner was to have a couple enter unannounced. We ask if anyone is inside, he answers “a few”. In hindsight, we think he went straight to his website to write on the forum that a hot couple has entered because that “few” later in the video turned to many.
We enter the dark corridors where there are gloryhole booths dotted around everywhere – when men spotted us they started tailing us around the corridors to see where we ended up. Our nerves made it feel like we were being chased so we quickly got into a booth and locked the door behind us.
At this point, we didn’t know what to do… do we stand and wait, do we press some kind of green light, do we make a noise… it turns out, waiting worked fine, as under 30 seconds I hear the door next to us shut and I spot my first dick through the hole. I lick my hand and reach through to his side to rub it and make it hard – I soon found myself on my knees taking his cum in my mouth with Josh watching in disbelief.
Taking my first gloryhole cumshot was all I needed to give me the confidence required to let loose and enjoy the experience. During the remainder of the night, I saw dicks of all shapes and sizes – some with big cum loads which really turned me on, momentarily making me forget all about where I was and that my boyfriend was right there watching me. Of course, with this being a completely legit, unorganized event, we had scary, funny and unexpected exciting moment – we even had guys reaching in trying to feel up Josh, one of which managed to grab his cock.
I lost count of how many dicks I sucked that night or how much cum I tasted, I will leave that to you to count
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